Land-art and nature art
land-art or nature art is the making of sculptures from material found in nature.
Nature art is the use of creativity to make new elements in nature and with nature.
To be inspired by nature and play with things nature has to offer.
In that way nature becomes an artistic playground.
Nature art and land-art inspiration
Walking through a particular landscape, one is sometimes struck by special compositions, rhythms or forms in nature, which someone else might not notice.
When you are able to emphasize this form, or add a contrasting element, or compose it in such a way that you succeed in catching the attention of an occasional passer-by, you have created art together with nature.
Thus one might say you are “sculpting” in nature.
To be inspired in a spot you found yourself by what you see, like trees, branches, rocks, soil, water and the environment. With these you make compositions in nature, like the “land-art” from Andy Goldsworthy and Richard Long. You can also make artistic utilitarian objects: fountains, rocking chairs, toys and tree houses, integrated in nature.
Nature objects
The use of material from nature like branches, trunks, grass, leaves, bamboo, ferns, soil and stones to make smaller objects and place them back in nature or take home.
One can also make an assemblage by a combination of material from nature and old utilitarian objects
One could think of surprising things to be found under stones or behind bushes, hanging in trees, or functional art, like weird furniture, frames, bijous and outside lamps made of material from nature.
Materials and techniques we use are: rope, glue, nails, colors, mosaic, clay, chalk and textile hardener.
For this kind of work you could already bring utilitarian objects made of pure materials, like wood, crockery, zinc, iron, cotton, jute, leather etc. For instance old kitchen and garden utensils, cutlery, chairs, lamps, mirrors, picture frames, T-shirts and high heels.
Every morning there is guidance, but you are free to work on when you feel like it, on your own or together with others.
Inspiration for ideas, technical assistance and help with the choice of place or materials are given by Peggy Spijkerman, who has lived here for more than 30 years and is experienced in this field:
5 years Rietveld academy, spacial design
4 years artistic assistant with visual acting group “Dogtroep”.
3 years as a teacher in sculpting, molding and spacial objects.
Apart from that she was for 10 years, every summer, to be found in the woods of Drente as an assistant visual arts.
Inspiration for ideas, technical assistance and help with the choice of place or materials are given by Peggy Spijkerman, who has lived here for more than 30 years and is experienced in this field:
5 years Rietveld academy, spacial design
4 years artistic assistant with visual acting group “Dogtroep”.
3 years as a teacher in sculpting, molding and spacial objects.
Apart from that she was for 10 years, every summer, to be found in the woods of Drente as an assistant visual arts.
With its changing structure, small paths, rough nature, different levels and winding stream with rocks La Frayssinette is a very inspiring place to make land-art and nature art.
See the pictures below